21 Mayıs 2010

Liberty is our Right/Train is Freedom


In 2008, Hürriyet’s 60th anniversary coincided with the 60th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights by United Nations; so Hürriyet decided to have “human rights” as the main theme of its anniversary celebrations.

In order to remind people of the concept of rights and inform them on how to use their rights, Hürriyet formed a partnership with Turkish State Railways, which produced the “Liberty is Our Right/Train is Freedom” project. The Hürriyet-Liberty Train was to visit 45 cities and towns of Turkey along the railroad track.

Composed of 13 cars, this 340 meter-long Hürriyet-Liberty Train’s journey started on July 1st, 2008 from Kars and ended in Edirne within 45 days. The Turkish State Railways was the project partner; and parties from the public sector, private sector and civil society such as the Amnesty International took part, as well.

The Hürriyet-Liberty Train team, while explaining the concept of rights to the people they met and informing them on their rights, they also made those people’s voices heard on human rights issues through newspapers.

The train was welcomed by festive crowds; local officials and NGO members visited the train and contributed their views and opinions.

The program was designed to include Akbank Children Theater’s “Tale in a Tale” play and workshops for children, the Hürriyet exhibiton showing the newspaper’s history under the scope of human rights, and rock bands concerts.

The team of Hürriyet’s “No To Domestic Violence!” campaign organized seminars on how to fight against violence, and prepared a report on violence and human rights for every city. Konda Research Company conducted a survey on female city dwellers’ perception of rights.

The journey was photographed from all angles by the faculty members and students of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Department of Photography, and was filmed by a documentary team.

The memoirs of the train team, the survey results, the photo album and the train documentary will be made public to spread this campaign’s influence more. The newspaper plans to continue the journey in 2009 with even a richer context.


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